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NeoTell Case Safa fig 4
NeoTell clinical case

Implant stability measurements with Neoss NeoTell

Dr. Safa Somi, DDS
Specialist in prosthodontics
London, United Kingdom

Case facts


A 67-year-old female patient with a recent extraction of the right maxillary central incisor.

Clinical problem:

Maxillary central incisor with a vertical root fracture and recurring gingival abscess. After extraction, a large buccal bone defect was revealed.

Clinical situation: 

A 67-year-old female patient presented with a recent extraction of the right maxillary central incisor due to vertical root fracture and recurring gingival abscess.

Treatment plan:

Early implant placement of a Neoss ProActive Straight Implant 8 weeks after tooth extraction.


Neoss ProActive Straight implant
Neoss NeoTell
Neoss SmartPeg


Early implant placement of a Neoss ProActive Straight Implant 8 weeks after tooth extraction. ISQ readings showed high stability of the implants, aiding in the decision to proceed with delivery of the definitive implant-supported crown.

Step by step

Step by step

  • NeoTell Case Safa fig 1
    Figure 1.

    Eight weeks post extraction. The patient had an immediate partial denture as provisional.

  • NeoTell Case Safa fig 2
    Figure 2.

    A mucoperiostal flap was raised, revealing a large buccal bony defect. A Neoss ProActive Straight implant was placed with simultaneous bone grafting. A tooth supported provisional restoration allowed for undisturbed healing.

  • NeoTell Case Safa
    Figure 3.

    Four months of healing. Buccolingual and mesio-distal ISQ readings show high stability of the implants (BL 68, MD 68), allowing to proceed with delivery of the definitive implant-supported crown.

  • NeoTell Case Safa fig 4
    Figure 4.

    Four months of healing. ISQ value measurement using the Neoss NeoTell unit with 45° angle and 2-4 mm distance from the SmartPeg.

  • NeoTell Case Safa fig 5
    Figure 5.

    Final screw-retained implantsupported zirconia crown. While waiting for healing the patient had tooth whitening and restoration of non-carious cervical cavities on adjacent teeth.

“NeoTell is an impressive diagnostic tool. It is a necessity for my day-to-day implant dentistry especially on immediately placed and loaded implant cases. This tool makes communication easier with patients explaining the clinician's decision on the next stage of their implant treatment.”

